Welcome to Our Research Lab and Resource Hub

Our Mission & Our Goals
The purpose of the CONTINUUM Lab is to inspire and enable others to live and prosper. Our mission is to serve Alabamians who experience disability or a chronic health condition by curating content for the meaningful connection of rehab, exercise, and sport. We’re focused on empowering individuals to become best fit to manage their life and live it to the fullest potential!
Core Values
Our core values include integrity, loyalty, faith, excellence, leadership, and equity. We believe that as we align our purpose with our mission, we will produce good work and succeed in achieving our goals.
Our Outlook
We choose to believe the best of people and we value loyalty both to our consumers and inside our team. We maintain hope in hopeless situations and do not give up on serving others.
The Team
We ourselves practice the habits and use the systems we promote to live an integrative life. Learn more about our qualifications and personal experiences on our meet the team page.
Our Story
We value honesty and transparency in the content and studies we propose, and this benefits consumers and fellow researchers alike. We are dedicated to supporting individuals, but we’re also committed to training other scientists in the field.
Our team members understand how a health issue or sudden tragedy can change life in a significant way, either personally or through a loved one. At the lab, we have all experienced the benefits of quality rehabilitation and the power of health-enhancing exercise or sport to improve our ability to manage life.